Notícias Anteriores
a Timeline for the Future | 15.01 > 24.01.2020

EN| For the first time at the FADA Gallery Exhibition Hall, a solo exhibition of a Portuguese artist was presented. A personal journey by Carlos Cabral Nunes, director and curator of Perve Galeria as well as the artist who is having his first solo after 17 years, only displaying his pieces in collective exhibitions during this period. The opening will occur at 6 pm of Wednesday, January 15th, and the exhibition will be held until January 24th, 2020.
"A Timeline for the Future. Stories of Tenderness, Love and Sorrow" is an exhibition centered in short stories, moments and the artist's emotions, reported in a very intimate way. The concept is based on a narrative deconstructed in three parts, the first part represent the beginning of a new life perspective followed by several magical instants in the life of the artist, presented in the catalogue. The second and third parts portray the hopeful present and future filled with joy, segment showcased at the exhibition.
+ info:
PT| Pela primeira vez, no Salão de Exposições da Galeria FADA, será apresentada uma exposição individual de um artista português. Uma jornada pessoal de Carlos Cabral Nunes, director e curador da Perve Galeria, o artista que vai ter a sua estreia a solo após 17 anos, expondo apenas as suas peças em exposições colectivas durante este período. A abertura será às 18:00 de quarta-feira, 15 de janeiro, e a exposição durará até 24 de janeiro.
"A Timeline for the Future. Stories of Tenderness, Love and Sorrow" é uma exposição centrada em breves relatos, momentos e emoções do artista, descritos de forma intimista. O conceito é baseado numa narrativa desconstruída em três partes, a primeira representa o início de uma nova perspectiva de vida seguida de vários instantes mágicos na vida do artista, apresentados no catálogo. A segunda e terceira partes retratam o presente esperançoso e o futuro cheio de alegria, segmento exibido na exposição.
Para mais informações:
AKAA - Also Known As Africa | Paris | 09.11 > 11.11.2019
EN| Perve Galeria will be present at the 4th edition of the AKAA, the art fair in France devoted to African contemporary art that returns to Carreau du Temple (Paris) from 9th to 11th November.
Since its first edition in 2016, AKAA stands for a multifaceted Africa, foregrounding artists of the diaspora as well as others from diverse origins with a personal link to the continent. This year’s edition will host 44 exhibitors and intends to highlight the artistic quality of African works and emphasize its impact. The event can be seen as a contemporary art map, bringing all attention to the territory, placing Africa in its center.
Following the success of the LusoPhonies Collection exhibition in Turkey, Istanbul, at the TomTom Kirmizi building and Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair. Sequenced by Ankara, displaying at the Portuguese Embassy in Turkey and Fada gallery in Bilkent University last month, Perve Galeria focused on the artworks of Portuguese-speaking countries and communities since the Portuguese dictatorship period to the present days,
now a selection of artists will be featured at AKAA Art Fair in Paris. Thereby, the distinctive and unique artworks from Ernesto Shikhani and Malangatana, from Mozambique, Manuel Figueira and Tchalé Figueira, both from Cape-Vert and José Chambel from Sao Tome e Principe will be displayed alongside with Reinata Sadimba, also from Mozambique, and Manuela Jardim, from Guinea Bissau.
Continuar... AKAA - Also Known As Africa | Paris | 09.11 > 11.11.2019
London Art Fair | 22.01 > 26.01.2020
EN | Perve Galleria is honored to announce its presence at the London Art Fair 2020, from January 22nd to 26th at the Business Design Centre, with a selection of works featuring South American artists Javier Félix and Ivan Villalobos, Mozambican Reinata Sadimba and Lithuanian Liudvika S. Koort.
Coleção Lusofonias em Ancara | 19.09 > 4.10.2019
Click to view: Catalogue [ PDF Version ] [ ISSUU Version ] Booklet [ PDF Version ] [ ISSUU Version ]
EN|The LusoFonias collection will be presented at the exhibition "Connecting to Portugal and to the Portuguese-speaking World - A Modern and Contemporary Art" at two locations in Ankara, Turkey, at the Portuguese Embassy in Ankara, which will begin on September 18th, and at the Bilkent University Fada gallery, which will be on display on September 19th till October 4th, ending with a Finissage to celebrate October 5th, commemoration date of the Portuguese independence through the commemoration of the Implantation of the Republic in 1910.
It brings together works by an admirable group of artists from Portugal and various Portuguese-speaking countries and communities such as Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, São Tomé and Príncipe, Macau (China) and Goa (India). This exhibition results from the selection made from a vast collection of art, initiated in 1999, by Perve Galeria. Of the most prestigious contemporary authors presented in this exhibition, stand out: Cruzeiro Seixas (Portugal), Ernesto Shikhani (Mozambique), Manuel João Vieira (Portugal), Marcelo Grassmann (Brazil), Manuela Jardim (Guinea-Bissau), Tchalé Figueira (Cape Verde), among others.
This public display of art is a follow-up to other ones previously held on the same collection, internationally known as "LusoFonias" in New Delhi, India, and which had the support of the Portuguese Embassy in India requested and hosted by the India International Centre (2015) and presented in Portugal at the UCCLA headquarters (2017), at the Independence Palace (2015) as part of the Commemorations of 40 years of Independence in the PALOP with the support of the CPLP, in Lisbon and the Egyptian Palace (2012), in Oeiras.
Continuar... Coleção Lusofonias em Ancara | 19.09 > 4.10.2019
Tributo a Cruzeiro Seixas | Cruzeiro Seixas Tribute
Construir o Nada Perfeito | Build the Perfect Nothing
PT| A mostra, patente ao público até 19 de dezembro, estará disponível para visitas, com entrada livre, na Casa da Liberdade - Mário Cesariny, por marcação prévia através do link:
No âmbito do centenário do nascimento do artista Artur do Cruzeiro Seixas e do Ciclo Comemorativo do 20º aniversário da Perve Galeria em Alfama, a Casa da Liberdade - Mário Cesariny apresentou a Vernissage da exposição "Construir o Nada Perfeito" no dia 19 de setembro, a inauguração contou com a presença de Suas Excelências Senhor Presidente da República e Senhora Ministra da Cultura, em conjunto com outros membros do Estado.
EN| The exhibition will be available for visits until September, 19th, you may book your free visit here:
Celebrating the portuguese master Artur do Cruzeiro Seixas centennary and Perve Galeria's 20th anniversary, Perve Galeria present the "Build the Perfect Nothing" exhibition opening from 3pm to 9pm on Saturday, September, 19th. The Vernissage will have the presence of the Portuguese Republic President and the Portuguese Culture Minister, along with other members of the Portuguese State.
Catálogo da Exposição Exhibition Catalogue [ Clique aqui / Click here ] | Catálogo ISSUU ISSUU Catalogue [ Clique aqui / Click here ]
Ler + / Read + Tributo a Cruzeiro Seixas | Cruzeiro Seixas Tribute